One Fact People don't Know About You [Season 5: Confession Time - Ep 4: Jessica Jiwon Choe]

"When I heard the 2019 Amnesty Midwest conference was to be held in Columbus, Ohio, I confess I did not think much of it besides, 'corn?' My first trip to Columbus pleasantly surprised me with a myriad of other experiences besides this hearty vegetable. The Amnesty conference gave me a chance to not only open my eyes to how human rights activism effects change, but also to the fact that Jeni's ice cream is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. From learning that change starts with the people to learning about how ice cream can taste like a fruit pie, birthday cake, or pumpkin spice, I acquired quite a wealth of knowledge from Ohio. I'm happy to confess how this conference opened my eyes to all the charm that surrounds this beautiful Midwestern city.

Jessica Jiwon Choe (Junior) of University of Chicago

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