Student Advice Column #2 [From Anonymous Annie : "How do you deal with long-distance relationships with friends, study buddies, partners, etc."]
Q2: How do you deal with long-distance relationships with friends, study buddies, partners, etc.
Anonymous Annie: hahaha, I love the chaotic energy of this question. Three words for you: zoom, Facebook memes, and communication - whether it's a friend you miss or a study buddy or a partner, the one thing that can bring you back together and make your yearning for their company bearable is with communication. Zooming friends is very fun, green screens can make the calls as diverse and imaginative as possible. Tagging on Facebook memes is a classsssic - I'd almost refer to it as a PILLAR of modern-day relationships. Both of these are forms of communication - even if it's small fragments of humorous text or long calls you leave on all day - go for it- physical isolation does not have to be social isolation.
#quarantine #washyourhands #zoom #elearning #lockdown #socialdistancing #stayathome #coronamemes #memesmakemehappy #missthesun #friends #corona19
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