Student Advice Column #4 [From Anonymous Arthur : "How should I continue to stay motivated during this quarantine?"]

Q4: How should I continue to stay motivated during this quarantine?

"I'm a college student" with this simple phrase, people who graduated would warmly smile at me and tell me I am living one of the beautiful moments. At this time, I did not understand why they were saying this to me when I am sinking in waves of information from lectures and climbing stacks of essay questions. Among those paper works and team projects now I realized I was able to survive from those works by compensating myself hanging out with my friends. I missed the days of spending on the 4th floor of the library drinking energy drink together, waking each other up from short deep naps before exams, and later celebrating the night of exam week watching Netflix with a bunch of sweets rolled in our arms. Today it is just me sitting on my couch munching sweets with Netflix. It is always good to have your own time, but the days I yell at my friends to scoot over on the couch that is the warmth I am missing. I hope this COVID19 ends soon cause zoom doesn't give me enough the warmth than the times that we spent.

#quarantine #college #zoomuniversity #missmyfriends #dontmissexams #librarymates #netfliexismyonlyfriendnow #motivation #dayinthelife #stayinside #covid19

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